City Park F.A.Q.’s

  • 1.    What is the history of City Park?

    City Park has a rich history that reflects the city's development over the decades. Established as part of Corona's growth in the early 20th century, the park quickly became a central hub for community activities and gatherings. Initially serving as a green space amidst the town’s agricultural landscape, City Park evolved alongside the city, witnessing its transition from a small rural community to a bustling suburban area. Over the years, the park has seen various improvements and upgrades, enhancing its facilities to better meet the needs of a growing population. Today, City Park remains a vital part of Corona, offering recreational opportunities, hosting local events, and providing a cherished outdoor space for residents to enjoy. Its history is a testament to the city’s evolution and the important role of public spaces in fostering community connections


    2.    How did the City Park revitalization effort start?

    In 2009, the first City Park Revitalization plan was completed. However, due to financial constraints, funds were not available to move forward with the construction of the park, and the project was shelved. The City and the park have changed since 2009, and by analyzing the current state of the park and conducting community outreach to determine the residents’ needs, a new revitalization effort began with the development of the City Park Master Plan. In July 2022, City staff began working with RJM Design Group and in conjunction with the Parks & Recreation Commission and City Council to develop the City Park Master Plan. Extensive outreach was conducted through questionnaires, door to door polling, and several pop-up events to discover what the community would really like to see at City Park. The Master Plan was adopted in July 2023, and in November 2023, City Council approved a contract with RIOS, a multi-disciplinary design and architectural firm, to deliver the best project design for the Corona community.


    3.    Why is the revitalization of City Park so important? 

    City Park is the oldest and most centrally located park in the city, dating back to 1913. The park spans over four generations of memories and is in Corona Historic District (No 5).  In recent years, due to safety concerns from residents and the declining nature of the park, few members of the community have utilized this historical park. Considered a “diamond in the rough,” City Park is a beloved piece of this City’s history and there is great desire in the community to restore this park back to its original glory.


    4.    What is the Parks and Recreation Master Plan? 

    The Parks and Recreation Master Plan was adopted in February 2024 and provides a vision to renew Corona’s parks and help ensure that all residents have the access to the vital benefits of park and recreation services. The 2023 Parks and Recreation Master Plan introduced a planning framework and investment strategy that prioritizes funding for parks over the next 10 years. The City Park Revitalization effort is a key project in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan. 

  • 1.    What is City Park Master Plan? 

    In July 2022, City staff began working with RJM Design Group and in conjunction with the Parks & Recreation Commission and City Council to develop the City Park Master Plan. Extensive outreach was conducted through questionnaires, door to door polling, and several pop-up events to discover what the community would really like to see at City Park. The City Park Master Plan was adopted by City Council in July 2023, and is the guiding document for the design and development of City Park.

    View the City Park Master Plan

    View the City Park Master Plan Appendix

    2.    What type of outreach and engagement occurred for the City Park project? 

    In 2022, the Community Services Department set out to hear from the community about which amenities are important to include at City Park. Various community outreach and engagement methods were used to successfully gather valuable feedback that would be used to influence the City Park design process. Traditional outreach methods such as door knocking, door hangers, and mailers were used in addition to in-person Pop-Up Events that were held at the park and community events. More modern outreach methods were utilized as well as various social media outlets. Perhaps the most successful tool was the City Park outreach video that was developed to get the word out about the City Park Master Plan and get the community engaged with the planning process. Several social media posts were shared on the City’s Instagram where thousands of people were reached, and hundreds of comments were provided on the desired amenities for City Park.  Through these efforts, we received feedback from over 2,100 residents, with over 150 respondents located within 1 mile of City Park, 325 respondents located between 1-2 miles of the park, and 55 respondents located between 2-3 miles of the park.  This data demonstrates a wide distribution of respondents throughout the City of Corona.

    3.    What type of amenities will be included in the revitalized City Park?  

    The City Park concept design includes a brand-new Community Center which will have an indoor fitness center and gymnasium as well as a banquet hall and classrooms. There will be a new aquatics center with two pools for recreation and competition swim, a splash pad, walking paths, iconic playgrounds, botanical gardens, a large community canvas for special events, skate park, picnic areas, and outdoor sports courts.

    4.    What is the design and construction timeline for City Park?

    The design process is estimated to wrap up in Spring 2025, and construction is expected to take two years to complete. The park is anticipated to open in mid-2027.

  • To learn more about the Revitalizing Corona’s Downtown, please visit

    To learn more about the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, please visit Click here to view the PRMP.

    To learn more about the City of Corona’s Strategic Plan, please visit